Green in the Winter

Plants bring me joy and so does fashion! It’s the reason why I created decor that combines plants with art. It’s my passion. Most days I honestly run around looking like a pure mess but these plants bring me joy. Art and a welcoming room with plants bring me peace. Especially on days like these where it’s below 30 degrees outdoors but inside my plants give me Spring vibes. They inspire me to workout and remain active knowing that days are coming soon when my wardrobe essentials are swimwear and I’m outdoors enjoying the sun. My plants and I both bloom in Spring and I look forward to growth.

TIP: while your plants are indoors during these cooler months, you may be experiencing annoying gnats. It’s typical for plant lovers. Did you know that incense deter gnat infestations and rid you of those pest naturally? Incense also add to the appeal of your home and helps your mood with aromatherapy. You can shop incense here as well.


Greetings from somewhere in the world! I’m glad you’ve stumbled upon my humble store and page. My love for plants originated when I was young. I knew from an early age that when I was grown my home would be full of plants and that has definitely come to fruition. I have over 100 plants and I know many who have more but for me, plants require nurturing. My indoor jungle requires a lot of time and as with all living things plants require care. Pruning, watering, feeding and washing are some of the necessary responsibilities and for me are priorities to ensure my plants thrive and are healthy. To optimize space and care requirements, I began to cluster my plants. Those that required similar care, light and watering were grouped together for easier maintenance.

My main goal when clustering was to make sure not only were the plants grouped by maintenance and care but I also set out to make them more aesthetically pleasing. My pieces serve as functional decor within the home and in themselves are conversational pieces. I created the living walls, art combos and corner units to add depth and height which draws the eye immediately to the piece. Simultaneously it adds warmth and a serene vibe that exudes calming energy and cultivates a feeling of peace which is what every home should be. I hope you feel that when you see my work and are open to inviting that same magical energy into your space.